Suggestions & Ideas

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  • #737

    Hi. I have listed below some thoughts for the game:
    1) Replay button so you can action replay after your win/loss
    2) Fast forward button during a battle.
    3) In the results screen is it possible to show your rewards level?
    4) Can towers falling on troops cause kills?
    5)Being able to manually activate your shields would be helpful.
    6) Setting an aim point during a battle?
    7) The ability to unmerge items you have merged maybe?
    Anyhow Im enjoying the game. Thanks for your efforts devs!


    8) Upgrading tier 2 weapons to 3
    9) A wall with a gate that opens and shuts?
    10) Save different builds you use to try again later?
    11) Sprint option for your garrison?
    12) A troop type that can be launched via a catapult and can attack weapons?


    Ha! Catapulted paratroopers …I love it

    Reply to #4 …no I have seen many fall on troops and they walk on like there beside the castle not underneath

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by ninjabox.

    Hi WaikatoBro ! I’m super glad to hear you are enjoying our game and I’m very thankful for your feedbacks! Much appreciated 🙏

    1) Replay button so you can action replay after your win/loss

    This is something we wanted to add for some time now for sure. Will be great to record all the funny moments 😄

    2) Fast forward button during a battle.

    Unfortunately this is very hard since Unity physics are not deterministic which means that speeding up the simulation may actually change the outcomes 😬

    For “quick forfeit” you can go through battle settings menu → return to kingdom

    3) In the results screen is it possible to show your rewards level?

    I’m sorry can you elaborate?

    4) Can towers falling on troops cause kills?

    We could try this though then the garrisons should spawn more troops as well since they become even more of a “fodder”

    5)Being able to manually activate your shields would be helpful.

    Problem with adding anything manual is then game ceases to be autobattler… We have ideas to make the shields work much better that’s part of our AI revamp

    6) Setting an aim point during a battle?

    See #5

    7) The ability to unmerge items you have merged maybe?

    Some kind of trade down system might be good, will have to think about the specifics

    8) Upgrading tier 2 weapons to 3

    It’s there now 😮

    9) A wall with a gate that opens and shuts?

    I had an idea for interior that changes that material block to have a corridor through it, this is an advanced version that – very cool! 👍 Thanks!

    10) Save different builds you use to try again later?

    It’s on our list

    11) Sprint option for your garrison?

    Sprint? I’m sorry, please elaborate

    12) A troop type that can be launched via a catapult and can attack weapons?

    Haha I love that idea!! Diferent troops is definitely something I wanna explore. Looking towards ranged/cavalry/”heroes” first but down the line having the troops fight on top of of the pieces sounds wicked!


    7) The ability to unmerge items you have merged maybe?
    in my opinion it is better without it since it isn’t possible in reality lol
    11) Sprint option for your garrison?
    I think it means to order soldiers to run/accelerate in a short period of time? once they leave the castle or in the middle of the way depending on the selected options?
    it is good for evading weapons attacks but useless near enemy soldiers. I guess there is no need for it if they will add cavalry ?
    12) A troop type that can be launched via a catapult and can attack weapons?
    so they do the same thing as other weapons? or they are better because they can survive the impact above walls and move towards the weapons? In that case soldiers should be deployed near weapons to face them too?
    I dont like the idea because they shouldn’t sacrifice their own people (interception)… maybe using burning rocks and projectiles to increase damage is better instead, and adding some kind of magic attack ?




    Awesome feedback from you both


    A moat wall type must be placed at point where islands meet. An arcane shield wizard resident required to operate drawbridge. Can upgrade as other wall types wood-stone-iron ect


    display opponents current win streak.
    Display opponents build points used/max available

    Lastly, perhaps a bonus for castle builds having leftover build points vs max available


    A 2nd tier to the Crystal Room (could be like a dark purple instead of blue)

    Costs 75 points to place, same effect as tier 1 but it has the same health as the night iron.


    I think you’re in for a treat on the crystal front 🙂 T2 will be as durable as iron(t1) with improved spell cooldown reductions compared to T1


    “I think you’re in for a treat on the crystal front 🙂 T2 will be as durable as iron(t1) with improved spell cooldown reductions compared to T1”

    Mmmmm, I better stockpile on those Crystal Rooms lmao

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