I would love to pay for items here, i enjoy supporting the development of a game i like to play but i cant bring myself to here …yet
1) your $10 ice wall is half as good as your $5 offer
2) the .99 cent wooden wall is a waste
I do however love the inclusion of a free system. (Gold for items)
I have a couple of ideas for you
1) do 3 items at once per day 24h reset for gold items
2) please change the items we can choose from. 4-8 items that rotate daily like the gold items mentioned above
3) deals. Say offer up a cannon for $5 then have deal special for 4hours where its at a discount price $1.50 or .99 something like that and/or starter packs x wall + weapon + gold = $9.99
Hope this helps your revenue. And helps us players get things we want!