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    What is it and how to use it? What are the chain link icons between rooms?. Why the limit on weapons? The concept is interesting, but no umph factor!


    Hi kevininmaui!

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Merge is when you take three of the same item (such as 3 wood rooms, or 3 ballistae for example) and you create one of tier higher from them. Currently you can access it when you selected the item you want to use in merge, then click on the merge icon in the top right corner of the item info panel. If that’s not visible for you make sure you have the latest game version from android google play store or apple iOS app store!

    Chain link icons indicate that there is a connection between the materials. One way to use this is if you have heavier materials to the top side and want to make sure your building doesn’t fall over if the lower side gets destroyed.

    Any ideas how to add “umph” factor? 🙂


    “Chain link icons indicate that there is a connection between the materials” for what purpose? Apparently I’ve maxed everything out. So no longer any reason to play, except for time filling while awaiting other games. Why the limits on rooms, weapons, walls, etc. You’re vision is apparently limited. Hire someone with imagination and coding skills.




    I have the BESTEST Castle. Win 18/20 games. I’d win them all but the AI cheats. Haha


    Yee like I said atm the chain link is kinda only useful to make sure your heavy top doesn’t tip over if lower part gets destroyed. Well if you figure out some creative use would love to see it as well :-)) Hope you will be playing when we get to add the PvP in; will be interesting to see if you can then still keep 18/20 win rate against other players! Btw if you have good ideas for new pieces let me know we got tons of ideas for sure but more never hurts.


    Is there a possible future update that will allow the merging of the troop garrison building?


    Hi Demon!

    Yep we basically have the graphics already for troop upgrades just need to be implemented in systems and adjust the values etc. Past months we’ve been working on upgrades for kingdom which has been a huge undertaking but it’s luckily coming closer to something we can release (finally will be able to level up power score!)


    How about merging shield to upgrade?


    Yep Shield upgrades are on our To Do list as well and most likely will do them after garrison upgrades. Garrison Tier 2 & Tier 3 are pretty much 99% done but there’s still some kinks to work out:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by NOboz.

    How do you upgrade the troop room? Also earning money is really slow


    Just like you would merge any other mergeable item: You need to have the Forge built in Kingdom then you go in the Castle build screen and select a stack of 3 of same tier Garrison in the Inventory and activate the merge from the merge button on top of the screen, be sure you removed from your castle and put them into the inventory if necessary to do so (i.e. you had 2 in inventory and 1 was put into current castle). About gold we’ll add more ways to earn it later on


    Excited to see your new updated version. Sorry I missed out on the Beta testing. I’ve been quarantined since January, with no relief in sight, as of yet. So all I do is play gaming apps and watch history documentaries and biographies with the occasional sci-fi, action, feel good movies thrown in. But this game has always intrigued me. The limitations glare, but I think the possibilities to improve are there. And you are trying I see.
    Troops: more of them? Increase how many rooms can hold. Can be trained to different levels? Infantry, Cavalry, archers, knights!
    Crystal room: upgradeable in Strength, and same as troops, or more crystal rooms amd if joined make a bigger stronger bubble. Of course all these abilities come with the loot, as usual. Oh yes and numbers! Is the crystal room stronger than the iron room? Or is there a difference in their strengths, ie one room has Def 8 vs Def 15 in strengths.and weapons. Why can’t I have 2 second level cannons or more. Get rid of alto battle and then it comes down to who’s troops/weapons are trained better. Aw gee, I hope to see some of that in the updated version!

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