Hello, hello!
Siege Castles team has been hard at work adding core functionality. We’ve recently improved the first time experience by adding a guided tutorial and reworking the UI. The new tutorial also comes with first peek at narrative. Just who is this seer character?
Latest version is on the Play Store Early Access with iOS parity coming soon™ so let us know what you think! Our discussion forum is up and running on this site and that’s a great place to get in touch with the development team. You can use the “login” menu to create a forum account.
Our next content update will come with the ability to merge items into more powerful ones! We’ve also boosted the rate at which you gain chest points for wins, so you’ll be able to access cool stuff faster now. There’s also some crazy cool stuff in the works, but you’ll have to wait a bit more for that. All I can say is Christmas break at the Forgotten Seas will be real neat 😎