Unable to use walls

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    I’ve merged rooms but now I can’t use what I have available. Ruby Room, nope. Crimson Alloy, nope.

    Same thing happens under rooms and weapons. You upgrade but can’t use them. I get destroyed by other players who have upgraded weapons.


    Can you please elaborate? I’m not sure if I understand what is going on here


    For example, under the Walls tab I have merged enough lower level walls to get 4 Crimson Alloy rooms. But I can’t use them. There is no way to replace my Night Iron walls with the Crimson Alloy.

    I can’t replace my Crystal Room with the Ruby room.

    Under the Rooms tab, I can’t use the 2 Arcane Shield II wizards I have. Nor can I deploy the 2 Elite Garrisons I have.

    Under Weapons, I can’t use deploy the Peregrine, Branta, Ossifrage, or Albatross.

    The battles I have been winning against other players who have those better shields, walls, and weapons has been through luck.


    Are you certain you have enough Power Score (the gauge bar on top of castle build screen) to place those items? If not try removing something from your castle first before placing those more powerful items


    The gauge bar says I have 1097/1100. I tried to remove a ballista but still unable to replace that spot with anything. Same for other options.


    Every material / weapon / interior has it’s own associated power score value that means “how strong this is”, you can see it in the top right corner of the inventory icon. If it’s tier 1 ballista that has power score of 11, so removing it won’t give you much space to place something else considering even a simple stone wall is 15 points. Try deconstructing your castle and bit more and then consider what you want to put in there with the points and limits in mind.

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