Reply To: Town is maxed?? Ideas!!

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Awesome! Thank you for getting in touch. The exp / power score is definitely something we’re looking to improve. If you have some specific ideas you would love to see please share. By the way, town upgrade path is planned to go up to Tier 5, therefore eventually that’s going to be one, a bit more escalating way, to reach new power score highs (power score per star will go up even more on the higher tiers). We have actually upped the power score per level from 50 to 100 and not looking to bump that at this point. However more ways to get more exp… there’s stuff in the works. 😎

Auto rolling / toggle to keep going onward with matches is also something that has been discussed, just the specific how we would introduce is a bit up in the air. Also would love to get your thoughts on a graceful way to do that ☺️